Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Origami in Our PJ's

Samara has been asking me to make her a paper boat, so we sat down and made one together. Here is a picture tutorial on how we made our paper sail boat.

I didn't think to take any pictures of Samara actually making the sail boat, since I was making one with her at the same time, showing her how to do it. However, here are some cute pictures of Samara and Alaysia playing with our boats.

At this point, Alaysia didn't like her boat anymore, so I turned it back into a hat. She was pleased. :)

Until she realized that the hat didn't actually fit.

Liberty would have loved to join in on the fun. She really likes to crinkle paper, but as I am sure you can imagine, it would get soggy pretty fast. She was content rolling around on the floor playing with her toys though.

My mom taught me how to make this sailboat long ago with a little story. I was a bit older when she told it to me though. I didn't tell it to my girls, but I'll share it with you.

There was a little boy who wanted to be a sailor, so he made himself a sailor's hat.

And as little boys often do, he changed his mind and decided he wanted to be a fireman, so he made himself a fireman hat.

He got a little bit older and discovered the adventure of Robin Hood, which sounded like the best profession indeed. So, he made himself a Robin Hood hat.

The little boy grew into a man and put his fairy tale adventures of Robin Hood behind him. He once and for all decided he would be a sailor, so he went out and bought himself a sail boat and set to sea.

Once he was far out at sea he spotted a shark! The shark started circling his boat, round and round. Then, the shark jumped out of the water and bit off one corner of his boat!

The shark continued to circle round and round his boat until it jumped up again and bit off the other corner of the boat.

Again, the shark circled and circled the boat. Finally, the shark jumped up one final time and bit off the sail. The boat sank down, down, down to the bottom of the deep blue sea.

They sent out rescue parties to find the man and all they could find was his shirt.

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