Monday, June 15, 2009

What's in a Blog: The Purpose and Passion Behind Lori's Little Loves

I have always known I was called to stay home with my children and have known for most of my life that I wanted to home school them as well. It is such a blessing to have a husband who is passionate about both and the Lord has recently made it all possible! Since February, I have been consumed with preparing to officially begin our homeschool this fall. I have joined several yahoo groups, read through many blogs, book marked at least a hundred websites, attended a convention, chosen curriculum, and have started meeting other homeschool mom's in my community.
The benefits to homeschooling are endless. Traditional schooling whether it be private school or government school, shelters children and prevents them from experiencing real life, until sometime after graduation. One of the most wonderful and exciting things about homeschooling are all the opportunities that will be available to our children. They will always and continually be exposed to real life. They will never be restricted to spending their days with one age group, in one room, with one teacher. Instead they will be immersed in real life filled with many cultures and adventures, surrounded by people old and young. Instead of reading about weather patterns, water cycles, and plant growth in a text book, we will go outside and experience it and interact with it.
Every part of our life will be a part of the education process and it is from that philosophy that this blog is birthed. There will be posts and pictures of the exciting new unit we are working on, the cookies we made together, neat things the girls are doing, trips we take, and so on. It is here that I will record the journey of our life.


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